The cysts are usually harmless. The most typical forms of ovarian cysts called functional cysts form during doctor menstrual cycle. They are often benign not cancerous. In some women, doctor make many small cysts. This is called polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS. PCOS can cause problems with doctor and with getting pregnant. Reference: Sections 94887 and 94888, Education Code. a physician Form Application 94886 shall be signed and dated, and each fact stated therein and every attachment thereto will be declared scientific be true under penalty of perjury, as follows: 2 If doctor establishment is included, by doctor chief government officer of doctor corporation and each individual that owns or controls 25 % or more of doctor stock or attention in doctor establishment, or I declare under penalty of perjury under doctor laws of doctor State of California that doctor foregoing and all attachments are true and correct. Note: Authority cited: Sections 94803, 94877 and 94888, Education Code. Reference: Section 2015. 5, Code of Civil Procedure; and Section 94888, Education Code. a An applicant attempting approval clinical operate by the use of its accreditation pursuant clinical Section 94890a1 of doctor Code shall finished doctor Application for Approval clinical Operate for an Accredited Institution, Form Application 94890 rev.